Monday, February 25, 2013

It has being a while since an update.

I survived Brasil, after a case of pneumonia. All the glass on the fames were broken by United, and I had to fix some of my work. This caused my show to not go as planed, but that's life, and I'm well and alive, well rested and ready to do more art work :-)

Hold it there, still there have being a lot of updates.

The show still worked quite well on having two open shows, one on the beach of Ipanema, and one in front of the Brazilian Bank Downtown, later which was exhibiting all the impressionist works from the D'Orsay in France.
Even the TV came by, there's a picture too with a Helicopter in the background in Ipanema beach!

I also had a nice talk at Grupo Seven now acquired by Full Sail. An upcoming CG school in Brazil, with many eager students. I shared a bit of my 10 years in the industry as well as an interview, and we also talked about where the industry in Brazil is heading and how much it has grown in these last years.

I'll be posting a compilation of pictures of the event here at some point! Also I would like to let you guys know for those that still don't know, that I started a Facebook, check the link bellow! There are images of my art work, single ones once a week for the viewing pleasure of the ones who frequent it. You could even have some wine listen to some Chet Baker and relax at your museum, at your own home.

Wishing all a great year 2013

-Kjeld Pedersen

1 comment:

  1. Why do Art? Because in Art we don't make mistakes. We do experiments on the way to creating Art.

    Don East 6/2014
