Friday, August 12, 2011

Digital Painting - Victoriana but missing love

Finally some original work and not another study.
Having some fun with digital painting.

Victoriana awaiting a phone call of a loved one.
(That phone is straight up pulse by the way)

Left inspired by a my good and talented friend Raz, at work.
He gave me some amazing tips on painting from your mind,
resuming, its all about straights and curves!

Other inspirations album cover for a vinyl for the Beatles, with a touch of Mad Men.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Digital Painting - Egyptian Fan

This started as a weird life drawing my friend invited me to, in a classic victorian San Franciscan 5 story house, the whole thing reminded me of Eyes Wide Shut, the movie... I was there to draw.

Inspired pehaps unconsciously by the revolution in Egypt at the time, mixing it with Conan the barbarian.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Digital Painting - Fancy Escargot. A Gala event like no other

A group of us were atempting to do daily draiwings a little back ago, we actually got somethings in, when we had some down time. I did this for fun when doodling spirals, this came to mind...