Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Life Drawing at the Old Safe House Atelier - Part 3

Life Drawing at the Old Safe House Atelier - Part 3

It has being a while, but work hasn't stopped, still sorting them out to scan them finished, here is a glimpse of the 13 of them! Lucky number, hopefully soon a Gallery and some real paint in the future!

Glimpse of the pieces being worked on.


Pencil on paper


Adding the chair


Pencil on paper


Block in

This chair!

To be added, beautiful piece of furniture!


Pencil on paper


Shots of work In progress

Block in

I just finished this one, but this photo is the WIP


Pencil on paper


Shots of work In progress

Block in

Shots of work In progress

Of current one

Block in

Hey and this is me working on it!

Very exciting on how they've being turning out, no longer struggling so much with all the pieces of the puzzle, its like an orquestra, everybody are playing along I can focus on composition and finer details now, speed has increased too :-)

Ohhh and I'm proud to say that on this rainy day I taught Luana to draw this one, with what I've learned so far, posing while I drew. This is her first one, can you believe that? I taught her in less than 5 hours! Not bad!


  1. Kjeld, great to see the new work, I'd like to some up close the next time we are down that way.

  2. Thanks Don! Definitely come by and I'll show them to you, also as I'm doing one.

